Welcome To St Nicholas Cathedral

The history of the Cathedral located in Los Angeles, California is truly a story of people of vision, courage, dedication, leadership, and religious conviction. It is the story of the needs of many Orthodox families who had settled in the greater Los Angeles area since the turn of the twentieth century. It is a story of those who had devoted their lives to the service of our community, of leaders who are no longer with us, but who shall always remain dear in our hearts because of their wisdom, love and accomplishments. Their legacy continues today.

Typical Service Schedule
7:45am - Divine Liturgy in Spanish
9:15am - Orthros (Matins)
10:30am - Divine Liturgy
6:00pm - Great Vespers
Eve of Feast
6:30pm - Vesperal Divine Liturgy of the Feast

We traditionally hold a Vesperal Divine Liturgy on the eve of Great Feasts or feasts of special commemoration at our Cathedral.  These schedules are subject to change and details will be provided in the weekly bulletin and calendar.


On some occasions, when the feast day is adjoining a Sunday we may transfer the feast to the Sunday.  Please see the bulletin and the Cathedral calendar for current schedule.

Debutante Ball

The Sweetheart Ball has been a Cathedral tradition for the past 75 years.  The 59th Sweetheart Ball being held on February 8, 2025 at the Hilton Universal City Hotel.  PURCHASE TICKETS USING THIS LINK.

Charity Ministry

We have expanded our charity ministry in cooperation with FOCUS Southern California and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.  Come volunteer every 2nd and 4th Saturday from 9AM - 12PM (check the cathedral calendar for any variations to this schedule).  See our Ministries Page for more informaiton.

St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral
2300 W 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA  90057

(213) 382-6269

To join our mailing list or to leave us an email, please use our contacts page. We look forward to hearing from you.