The history of the Cathedral located in Los Angeles, California is truly a story of people of vision, courage, dedication, leadership, and religious conviction. It is the story of the needs of many Orthodox families who had settled in the greater Los Angeles area since the turn of the twentieth century. It is a story of those who had devoted their lives to the service of our community, of leaders who are no longer with us, but who shall always remain dear in our hearts because of their wisdom, love and accomplishments. Their legacy continues today.
Sunday | |
7:45am | - Divine Liturgy in Spanish |
9:15am | - Orthros (Matins) |
10:30am | - Divine Liturgy |
Saturday | |
6:00pm | - Great Vespers |
Eve of Feast | |
6:30pm | - Vesperal Divine Liturgy of the Feast We traditionally hold a Vesperal Divine Liturgy on the eve of Great Feasts or feasts of special commemoration at our Cathedral. These schedules are subject to change and details will be provided in the weekly bulletin and calendar. |
Feast | |
On some occasions, when the feast day is adjoining a Sunday we may transfer the feast to the Sunday. Please see the bulletin and the Cathedral calendar for current schedule. | |
All clergy and laity of the Diocese are invited to help receive Bishop ANTHONY formally on Tuesday evening, September 3 at 7:00PM. We are requesting that all who plan to attend on Tuesday evening register (no charge) at this link so we can get a good count for the receiption. Sayidna will also be presiding over Matins and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, September 4 beginning at 9:30AM.
You are invited to attend the 2nd annual fundraiser for the St Barbara Lebanon Relief Fund on Saturday, September 7th at 6:00PM at St Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church located at 16643 Vanowen St in Van Nuys, CA. This year's special keynote speaker will be His Eminence Metropolitan ANTONIOS of Zahle and Baalbek. Tickets are $60 per person and registration (seating is limited) can be done following this link.
We have expanded our charity ministry in cooperation with FOCUS Southern California and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Come volunteer every 2nd and 4th Saturday starting in September 2022 from 8:30-12:30. See our Ministries Page for more informaiton.
We are holding a weekly Zoom based bereavement group beginning Wednesday, January 4, 2023 with the final session on February 22, 2023. See our Orthodox Education page for more details.