
Originally, Camp Saint Nicholas was born out of the need to support a camping program for the many children of the families from Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral which christened its grounds near downtown Los Angeles in 1948. From that time up until we opened Camp St. Nicholas, our church rented other people's facilities just like many of the groups that rent our facility today. In 1962 it was decided that St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral should pursue the purchase/lease of its own camp property. During the summer of that year to facilitate the ever-growing camping program, the Cathedral leased a 13-acre lot from the United States Forest Service (USFS) in the Frazier Park area of Mt. Pinos (approximately 85 miles north of Los Angeles). The elevation of the campsite is approximately 6,100 feet. Finally, in 1964, Camp St. Nicholas officially opened to campers. As The needs of the Cathedral grew, so did the facility. Currently, the structures include a pool/pool house, camp manager's home, general meeting and dining hall area, chapel, staff housing and camper dormitories. Camp St. Nicholas can house approximately 210 people at any given time.

As time went on, we began to receive request from other groups to rent out our beloved Camp. A number of these groups are religious organizations across the area. Additionally, we rent the Camp to other not-for-profit organizations such as various schools, local universities, police department explorers, other law enforcement agencies, etc.Of course, we also host our own camping program with children from Orthodox Christian Churches from all over the Western United States in both Summer and Winter seasons.

All of us who have spent time at Camp St. Nicholas have come to enjoy many of the other activities which exist beyond our borders. Some of these activities include but are not limited to the mesmerizing stargazing which attracts people from all over the country. This area does not have smog or city lights so we are offered a clear view of the nighttime skies. The McGill Trail Hike takes you on a four mile trek up to the McGill Campground which is about a 5.6 mile car ride to the Mt. Pinos Summit. Additionally, the area is rich in the history of the many Native Americans who lived in the area for centuries.

Come join us with your group by renting our beloved Camp St. Nicholas and create your own memories which will last a lifetime!!

St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral
2300 W 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA  90057

(213) 382-6269

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